movie backdrop

10 months ago

The Neon Demon

a review by Reno

It's not anymore a competitive world, but jealousy!

It started off very well and in the half mark, it completely lost. In the initial part, it looked like a normal film and then I think even the writer does not know what could happen, they just improvised with whatever they had. Writing was totally messed up. When they had the great characters, it becomes nothing in the end. I'm not a fan of this director, and all his films are average, but this one is the worst among them.

I'm not an art film hater, though I hate wasting scenes without any developments and this one had many like them. If you trim them all out, the overall film is around 45 minutes. The rest of the film was just music, colourful lights, and sometimes totally idle, which definitely drag the viewers to the boredom.

Whenever there was a scene with the story, like dialogues and developments, I thought it was going well. But then those useless, dialogueless segments turned me off. Especially the conclusion was absolutely crap. Elle was good, like a character made for her. Keanu Reeve was useless, his addition was just a marketing strategy that did not click.

This is the story of a teen girl aspiring to be a model, but surrounded by the jealousy people because of her fast growth. How it all goes between them and in the fashion world is what the film talks. The film is watchable, but mostly the second half onwards it gets boring. In the end, I don't think anyone would be satisfied completely with their watch, maybe very, very few, but if you consider the majority, this does not deserve to be suggested.
