The rise of the Rap music!
There were lots of debate over this film's snub from the Oscars, but I'm not here to talk about that. As a film, it was awesome and as a biographical film, even more awesome, but not an inspiring film that I was expecting. There were many bad things in it, like the language and character portrayals. Though hats off to the filmmakers for rendering the it with the bold contents. I don't know if it being true to the actual events, but anybody can feel how those circumstances would have been for those involved in the real.
One thing is for sure, the film is not for the families. The first half was the reason which was very negatively appealed, particularly the racism and police abuse preoccupied rather than telling the actual story. But the next half was much better. I liked it because of that part which crafted so brilliantly. That's where the real journey begins. Well played characters, everybody who repressed those real ones were done incredible job.
This film revealed something I did know. Like how the Rap music got so popular. I quite belong to the same generation where this thing got its revolution. It was like another 'Lords of Dogtown' where the young guys made skateboards popular, but here it was the Rap songs. It was a two and half hour long film, longer than an average film length, but the pace was good. Except the strong contents, the narration never looked dull. I totally enjoyed watching it, a good film for adults, particularly those who love Rap music must not think of missing it.