movie backdrop

10 months ago

White Chicks

a review by Reno

The two shades of white!

I've heard this film a long ago, but I never interested to watch it. We can't avoid them, because when we look for a particular type of film for the occasion, they will pop-up and that is how I watched this now. I know it is a silly comedy, because in a real world this thing never happen. So knowing this is only for cinema, I prepared to enjoy whatever it offers. But I must say, even though my rating is not big, I kind of enjoyed it.

Nobody watches this without knowing its synopsis. So you will already know the fifty per cent of the story when you do. The rest is how it is developed; including how good the jokes are that comes with our watch. So much cliché, but entertaining with some good scenes and lines. The actors were excellent. The make-ups were not flawless, but worked okay, especially for a comedy. Because if there is an error, it will going to appeals from the comedic side.

So the overall film was better than what I presumed all these years. Glad I saw it, it's nothing like those silly comedies I've seen. I've seen many imposter themes, but this is refreshing. All the above, this is a one off film, that's the best thing about it. You know, sequels are what degrades the original film in most of the scenarios. Thanks for that, there's no follow-up for this with a B movie cast and crew. This is a very much watchable film, not comedy riot, but fairly does its job.
