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10 months ago

The Jungle Book

a review by Reno

The red flower adventure!

The Rudyard Kipling's famous children's book was adapted numerous times for stage shows, television series, live-shot and animation films, and now here's the modern version and also the first digital 3D version. The Disney done it again bring all the classics to a new life, but it is a great team work, especially the post-production was terrific.

It is one of those stories never gets boring for repeat reading/listening/viewing. Of course, there were plenty of changes to the original source, but I would say it was upgraded so well. Jon Favreau did an awesome job as the director, definitely it is his one of the best films and will be remembered for very long. All the above he got the best screenplay with supportive production and crew.

Neel Sethi was obviously a perfect choice for the man-cub, he had given his best and no one could doubt it was his first film. The entire film was shot in the studio settings and the whole time he had to act alone, because the remaining characters in the film are CGI. So in that viewpoint he actually did a breathtaking job being a very young.

The CGI characters were really excellent, but the non-fur animals like elephant looked a bit fake. I mean anatomically and character performances were perfect, only visually the 3D models were out of the blend in the screen with others. These are very small things to notice, but for the todays technology, it was not bad, especially thinking the film is primarily targeted children.

The story was simple, like half of the film was an introduction and almost all the important characters from the book were launched at a high profile. It was actually the story with a backdrop of red flower. So the narration moves different part of the jungle, lot like the levels in a game. Various adventures take place and well composed stunt sequences.

I mentioned stunts right, but there were no violences, I mean nothing seriously to concern about as expected for a Disney film. Yet because of those actions, the film is very much suitable for adult viewing. So apart from the children and families, it can be watched by anyone. One of the top Disney films to do best at the box office worldwide by grabbing almost $1b.

So aggressive, furious Shere Khan ever to portray. I think the little children may get scared for his unpleasant face look and the strong roar. By the way all the songs were amazing and the end credit was very interesting. Finally, I saw it after a long wait and anticipation, most importantly, I'm very happy how beautifully it was made.

The film was not shot in India, but the locations were so resembling and gives the perfect Indian feel. Climbing a cliff by Baloo and fighting the monkeys, like that there were numerous jokes. Surely one of the grandly made children's film at the recent time. I've heard the sequel is already on the progress, so bring it on, at least a trilogy before Neel turn to a big boy.
