movie backdrop

10 months ago

Queen of Earth

a review by Reno

No entertainment, just a character study.

Films are made for many purposes and I don't know what this one is about. They say it is a psychological-thriller, but yes, there is some psychology in it, but definitely no thriller, just a boring drama which means a character study material. The entire film was shot in a lake house and occasionally its surrounding area. There is no story in it, just the characters and they're being themselves that narrated in the days basis for a week, but those days were from the random years without a clear picture of what date, month or the year.

There is lots of close up shots like it pushes you back from your seat suppose if you are leaning towards the front. The cinematography was what I felt uncomfortable, but overall not bad. I think the actors were good, both Katherine Waterston and Elisabeth Moss, just for this film because I've seen them in the better roles.

Low budget and limited cast film, as well as short but not sweet as I anticipated. So I don't think everybody would enjoy it, I don't know who is the target audience, but I'm sure it will reach them who are going to defend it from people like me. Those who are not seen it, but want to, I only advise them to be careful while choosing it.
