movie backdrop

almost 4 years ago

Dr. No

a review by talisencrw

An extraordinary manifesto for not just the longest-running film series to date, but for an entire genre. People often forget just how important in the grand scheme of things a first film is, and how it was so requisite that Sean Connery had to be just right, the Bond girls, the action, music cues, opening scene, credits sequence, etc. Even though recently, Daniel Craig has at least captivated audiences to almost the same extent, he only reminded me of Connery's endearing qualities, and through completely lacking humour and charisma, simply showed by omission why Connery (who had already made five films as Bond before Craig was even born) was so essential in the first place.

Watching my blu from the complete Bond boxed set, it wasn't dated or a lesser experience for me in the slightest. Long may Sir Connery live--the enjoyment his work has given me over the years is inestimable! =)