movie backdrop

10 months ago

Pay the Ghost

a review by Reno

You know the story, but with the different actors and settings!

Once a pride actor, now he's doing lots of low cost quick films. The II and III tier directors and producers trying to get the best use of their golden opportunities. So the Nicolas Cage into this after the legal struggle in real life, but people have different opinion without knowing the truth. He definitely would come back to his old form, but it's not known when. All these his recent B films just somewhat shines because of having him onboard. So this flick as well too ordinary and stupid, though watchable because of the Cage.

The story was maybe a hundredth adaptation. Anybody with the knowledge of the decent horror films can predict the entire narration. But the different cast, setting, et cetera makes it worth a watch. Definitely not scary or the suspenseful, yet everybody tried their best to make the product better. Only the first half, mostly the first quarter was the better part of the film. So if you pick it on the basis of the story, you will be disappointed badly. This film is not worth unless you're a Cage's fan who backs him every time or love to take chances on the B films. Overall film was okay, but I think the end should have been better. I might have said a few good things about it, but I can't recommend it.
