This Daffy Duck and Porky Pig cartoon was just awesome, and I'm glad it was an extra on my DVD of 'My Reputation' from my Barbara Stanwyck TCM 4-pack. Early Daffy misadventures, before he became simply irritable, sarcastic and cynical, were completely absurdist, Dadaist and surrealistic, completely simpatico with my approach to life. Here, he applies graffitied mustaches to every face he can find, either on signs or on the people themselves. I was hooting with delight for the entire cartoon. Celebrities' movie posters or magazine advertisements that ended up adorned in such a way were Alexis Smith, Ann Sheridan, Peter Lorre, Humphrey Bogart and Ida Lupino. When policeman Porky Pig finally manages to capture the character, Daffy ends up throwing himself at the mercy of the court. Essential and hilarious viewing for all ages.