movie backdrop

10 months ago

Crimson Peak

a review by Reno

Ghosts are real, that much she knows.

Seen all the Del Toro films, but this one was not any good compared to his recent year's class. The film has his signature mark, the gothic style atmosphere, visually spectacular, but the story did not strike as expected. Definitely my blame is on the writing department. Though the actors were so much better in their character exhibition, especially the lead trio.

The opening convinced it will going to be a terrifying horror. Seriously? The writer brought ghosts for a concept, but ended penning a fantasy-thriller. In the middle of the narration there was too much drama that dragged the story. And in the third act it turned totally into a killer-thriller. It should have been more frightening, they wanted it to be a faulty human nature kind of twist than supernatural things. Well, they gave what they wanted, not what we the audience looking for.

I did not completely disliked the movie, I enjoyed it other than its plot. The costumes were very nice, the music well blended with the screenplay, but I was disappointed with the reason given as the motivation for all the trouble faced by character Edith. After all the hype, what it revealed was too little and too sudden with guessable stuffs. You can try it for the visuals alone than anticipating another Del Toro's masterpiece.
