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10 months ago

The Hateful Eight

a review by Reno

...And then there were none.

I'm neither Tarantino nor Nolan's fan, but love watching their movies. As usual these director's films are highly expected by all, that's including me. This one started off quite like a normal western, so I thought it wouldn't be like the director's previous film 'Django Unchained'. In fact, it was considered for a sequel to that, but the director felt this story and the previous character Django failed to blend, hence 'The Hateful Eight' was born with Samuel L. Jackson playing an important role.

Solid eight from me for this QT's eighth film. But I felt the movie was kind of inspired by 'And Then There Were None'. It was not about to find who's the killer or next to be killed. The character introductions were at its best and an excellent twist in the middle. This sets in a cabin with eight strangers struck there after the snowstorm. But after an unexpected event the suspicious started to mount and brings chaos. Then takes us to the flashback to reveal something the story that did not mention in the earlier part which's very essential for coming back to the finale.

The 80% of the movie was just talking, but the remaining stunt sequences were so powerful. All the eight, plus, supporting character were exceptional, but the director's favourite Samuel L. Jackson nailed it as his character is a bit above from the rest. The entire film was shot is a couple of locations, but the major portion takes place in a cabin and it was a limited cast movie. These days, western movies are shrinking, only a very-very few good movies are made every year. In the time of superheroes, a movie like this is really very precious, so definitely recommend it.
