For a Mel Brooks movie, far from the best. For a 60-70's comedy, I've definitely seen better. A poor man's Mad Mad Mad Mad World.
"Was it interesting?" That was the best part. The story is complex, characters were developed with reasonable motivations. It's just the transition to a movie that didn't really do it justice. 1.5 out of 3
"Was it entertaining?" The comedy was slightly humorous in parts, but mostly predictable or too drawn out. 1 out of 3
"Was it memorable?" The locations were pretty well done, and the acting was better than the dialog. The problem is that pacing was so slow I almost fell asleep 2/3 through and was wanting to fast-forward in the last 5 minutes. 1 out of 3
1.5+1+1=3.5+1(default 1)=4.5 Round up or down for overall feeling and this feels like a 4. This is not a movie I would want to see and felt like my time was somewhat wasted.