movie backdrop

10 months ago

The Fog

a review by John Chard

It was like an itch I had to scratch !!!!

Is it possible for fans of the John Carpenter original to be objective with this remake? Is it possible for a modern audience fed on Gorno and Slice Dice horror genres to be objective also?

Well I like to think that as a man in middle age I can be very objective and rate the film accordingly, so with that in mind I happily admit to being a member of both the above groups I have mentioned. This smacked of a bad idea when it was first mooted but it came as no surprise to anyone who can see that mainstream cinema had at this time in film history simply run out of great ideas for movies. This is real bad and I avoided it for so long, but the fact that his royal highness John Carpenter was lending his name to the project always kept me interested, it was the itch I was destined to scratch at some point.

It's poorly directed, badly acted, in fact there is a scene with four people on a boat (two of each sex) that is so badly acted you would be surprised if these actors ever work again! The pic is devoid of suspense, jump shocks and worst of all, an ending that is as dreary as it is insulting. I give it 2/10 for the sound mix only. An awful abomination.