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10 months ago

Last Train from Gun Hill

a review by John Chard

You're leaving' on the next train. I own the sheriff! I own this town! I own every man in it! You're leaving' on the next train, Matt!

Matt Morgan (Kirk Douglas) and Craig Belden (Anthony Quinn) are old friends who went on different career paths. Morgan is a law man, settled down with his Indian wife and had a son. Belden is a cattle baron and self appointed ruler of the town of Gun Hill. When Morgan's wife is raped and murdered, he follows the only clue available to him; one of Belden's saddles. At first he hopes that Belden's saddle had been stolen, but he quickly finds that the horrendous crime has been committed by Rick (Earl Holliman), Belden's son. But upon arresting Rick, Morgan finds that Belden, and the town under his control, except Belden's on off gal, Linda (Carolyn Jones), are not keen to let him leave on the Last Train From Gun Hill.

Directed by John Sturges (The Magnificent Seven), Last Train From Gun Hill is adapted by James Poe (Cat on a Hot Tin Roof) from a story written by Les Crutchfield. Photography is by Charles Lang and the score is provided by Dimitri Tiomkin.

The first thing that springs to mind upon completing a viewing of this film; is that the tale has been dealt with far better in the Western genre before. Thus Sturges' film holds no surprises at all. Only two years prior we had had the infinitely superior Delmer Daves piece, 3:10 To Yuma. However, if a story has good thematics, then why not take another wander down a well trodden moody path? Indeed, and Sturges' film is nicely constructed pretty much across the board. With its blend of psychological undertones and action, helped by the mostly impressive cast, it ends up being an entertaining Oater. This in spite of not going a little darker when perhaps it should have. In fact, Sturges, a fine director for sure, is possibly too aware of keeping the film sprightly for a general wide appeal audience, something that can also be said about Tiomkin's score. It's a bit distracting when a tension mounting sequence is scored with funky uplift music! While Lang's photography is interesting, in a good way, using nice long shots in his scorched landscape exteriors.

It's been done better, but none the less it is recommended for those genre fans who like a brave man determined to succeed against overwhelming odds. 7/10