movie backdrop

10 months ago

On the Town

a review by John Chard

Wonderful town gets a wonderful movie.

As would be tradition, the story at the core of On the Town isn't anything to sing from the roof tops, but it plays out as one of MGM's most memorable slices of froth. Propelled by talented stars and singers, it's a musical of comedic delights.

Adapted from the successful stage production, charges of being dated and that not all the songs are great, is correct. The dated thing is not always a viable debating tool, but certain stereotype and sexist elements here will ring a little hollow with some folk.

Yet if you can just run with it and accept the era of film making it comes from, then this is mostly a joyous and uplifting picture. So roll with the boys and girls, with the wonderful dances and the wonderful singing, for New York New York, A Wonderful Town. 8/10