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10 months ago

Would You Rather

a review by John Chard

Truth or Dare?

It’s difficult to know if David Guy Levy’s film is taking the rise out of the current horror market’s propensity for torture porn, or if it is as it seems, a lazy exploitation flic pandering to an undemanding audience?

Eight strangers with financial problems are invited to the mansion of rich nutter Shepard Lambrick (Jeffrey Combs) to partake in a game, the winner of which will get their utmost requirements met.

What starts out as a promising piece soon descends into a boorish reliance on shock tactics as the guests are required to do “unspeakable” things to each other. There’s some wince inducing moments, even times when the picture dares you to contemplate how you would react in similar circumstances. Yet it all feels so lazy and cheap, with some poor acting and cringe worthy dialogue dragging the piece down still further. A twist in the tail works well, but by then you may feel jaded to the point of not caring. 5/10