movie backdrop

about 2 months ago

Passenger 57

a review by Per Gunnar Jonsson

This movie is acceptable as 85 minutes of light entertainment but it really never rises above mediocrity. The plot is unimaginative with all the usual elements. Terrorist is transported by FBI on commercial flight, terrorist escapes with the help of an insider on the plane, our hero gets arrested by bungling cops who mistakes him for a bad guy and of course the obligatory jump off or on the plane while it is moving scenes. Yawn!

Wesley Snipes performance is as good as one can expect of Wesley Snipes which of course does not help elevate the movie above mediocrity. The one character which stands above the rest is the master terrorist played by Bruce Payne. I quite liked his cool, insane style of portraying his character.

There are a few semi-decent action scenes splattered around the movie which helps keeping the interest just above the I’ll-read-a-book-instead level. Otherwise the movie is an easily forgettable one. It is quite acceptable as 85 minutes of light entertainment but I would say that its relatively short length is one of its positive traits.