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10 months ago

Identity Thief

a review by John Chard

Friends don't steal friends' identities, do they?

While not quite the abomination that some critics have suggested it is, Identity Thief is a hard film to recommend to film fans looking for a comedy to cheer them up. Too long at just under two hours length, the makers appear to have dropped Melissa McCarthy in the middle of a film, built a load of questionable on going gags around her, and then thrown Jason Bateman in for the charm offensive. Then as the film runs out of steam at the mid-point, it gets caught in a vortex of contrivances and pseudo serious statements. It's a real hodge-podge of a script that does the actors no favours at all. A great premise is not fulfilled, sadly.

Identity Thief only escapes bottom of the ladder status because fans of the two leads will find a modicum of enjoyment in their respective efforts. 5/10