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10 months ago

Mine Games

a review by John Chard

Mine Games (2013)

If you go down to the mine today…

A bunch of friends on vacation in the country discover a disused mine and find something most strange down in its depths.

It starts off in conventional fashion, pretty looking youngsters head off to a large cabin in the woods and after nearly running someone down in the road, they arrive at their destination but nothing is as it seems. The story then spins into another dimension, cribbing from better movies like Triangle and Identity, only the screenplay isn’t strong enough to make a success of it, even confusing itself in the process.

Things aren’t helped by director and co-writer Richard Gray padding out the movie to meet the required run time to call it a feature length production. In truth there just isn’t enough material here to extend beyond a one hour Twilight Zone episode, better editing and a better screenplay was definitely needed here. Gray over stretching his ambitions somewhat.

The cast of up coming Hollywood starlets give a mixed bunch of performances, while the low budget is often evident. Neither of these things, though, hurt the film as much as the aforementioned issues. There’s a modicum of interest value here for those who like the films already mentioned above, but it’s not a comfortable recommendation at all. 4/10