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10 months ago

Snow White and the Huntsman

a review by Per Gunnar Jonsson

This is not the fairy tale from Walt Disney that we have become used to but a rather more mature dark and sinister movie. I have to say that I enjoyed this movie.

Despite that a lot of the world is much darker and filled of despair in this movie the photography is nice and the film is beautiful to watch. The film focuses a lot more on the huntsman than previous Snow White movies that I have seen and I think this is also the first one that I have seen where snow white mounts up in full battle armor. I think it worked quite well.

There is quite a few special effects in the movie but not enough to overdo it and they are reasonably well done as far as I am concerned. As I mentioned earlier the plot is somewhat different although it follows the general lines of the original story. It is still a fairly simple adventure/action plot but it holds together well enough.

The dwarfs are present of course and, although the film takes much more serious take to the Snow White story, they still give you a laugh or two. There are a couple of scenes which more or less seemed to be fillers with not that much to add to the story but they did not really disturb the flow of the movie either.

When the credits started to roll I was quite satisfied with my movie evening.