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over 3 years ago


a review by SheBlogger

Sinister (A Horror Movie): From a Commoner’s View

NO SPOILERS – SheBlogger hates spoilers :)

Okay…so here’s another horror movie review from the girl who is yet to be scared with scenes shot in the dark, gory murders and startling sound effects.

HeBlogger and I went to the mall last Sunday to watch a different movie. We thought Tiktik, which is a Filipino horror movie, was already showing. Apparently, it is not scheduled until next week. Then we saw Sinister’s poster, which said, “from the producer of Paranormal and Insidious”. We have seen both movies and we both didn’t like Paranormal but both enjoyed Insidious. So we said, okay…let’s watch this instead.

Didn’t know anything about this movie Sinister so as we walked inside the empty movie house, I wondered which one is it going to be like. Is it going to be a homemade movie about paranormal activities with three different endings? Oh please…I fervently hope not! I crossed my fingers because I noticed there were rolls of super 8 films on the poster. Or is it going to be about demons capturing souls and possessing the physical body with a non-happy ending? Or is it going to be a totally different story? I hoped it would be.

We were the first two of the five people who came to watch this movie. The others were a group of three teenage girls, who surprisingly didn’t scream or shout at all, throughout the screening. What a joy to be watching in silence and absolute peace!

Okay, on to the movie review…

The movie opens with a scene shot like a home video, so I go like, uh-oh… But don’t be disheartened. It’s nothing like Paranormal and deeper into the story, you’d see that it is more like Insidious. That much I would tell you.

The story is about a real crime stories writer, played by Ethan Hawke (the only actor I know in the movie), who moved his entire family to a house where a family was hung to death in the backyard tree and their little girl still missing. In the course of his research and with the help of rolls of seemingly innocent and happy family home videos that mysteriously appeared in the attic, he discovers more brutal murders of different families in different houses. So there’s the question… Are these murders in any way related, considering there’s always a little child missing?

I must say that I find the premise of the story original. Well, at least for me. So I give it 4.5 gems for Story and Originality...

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