Known For: Acting
Actor Mulyadi
Actor Damarjati
Ritual Tumbal Terakhir
Actor Bambang
Harlot's Prayer
Tepatilah Janji
Actor Bapak/El Presidente
The Day The Fly Flies
Actor Gombloh
Malam Pertobatan
Actor Setya Pambudi (Ayah Ika)
10 PM
Actor Mysterious Cowboy Man
Geger Perikoloso
Actor Bapak
For Those Left Behind
Actor Father/Bapak
Actor Coach
Looking for Europe
Actor Ramli
Kejarlah Janji
Scandal Makers
Actor Father
Dressing Up Father
A Grandpa's Uniform and the Other Things of Fear
Sound from the Sea
Actor Kemal
Actor AKBP Wira Mulyanto
Doa Mengancam
Gendut Siapa Takut?!
Actor Jarot
unbookable life
Tale of Time
Actor Petugas PLN
Makmum 2
Actor Sardi Hartanto/Ardiman Wicaksono
Mbak Gede
Actor Minister
Christmas in the Jungle
Actor Corn Supplier
6.9 Seconds
Actor Jundi
Loz Jogjakartoz