Known For: Visual Effects
Gender: Female
Date of Birth: August 26, 1945 (80 years old)
A Cat and a Half
The Man in the Air
The Jester Balakirev
The Elephant's Great Battle with the Whale
Miss New Year
The Unseen and Unheard-of
Today in Our City...
A Gullible Dragon
The Case of the Hippopotamus
Power Porridge
Dialogue (A Mole and an Egg)
Wonders of Technology
Hercules and Admetus
Я жду тебя, кит
About Sidorov Vova
Mushroom Rain
Riddle of the Sphinx
Про шмелей и королей
The Return of the Prodigal Parrot (Part 1)
Pictures at an Exhibition
Road to Eternity
Adventure of an Ant
Sea, Oh Sea!
The Bullfinch
Paradox in the Rock Style
Tribal Law
About Old Man, Old Woman and Hen Riaba
A Live Toy
Nothing Scary
Talking Hands of Travancore
O Sport, You Are Peace!
Ivashka from the Palace of Pioneers
Sea Voyage of Solnyshkin
Хитрая ворона
The Hunt
The Flying Ship
How the Fox Chased the Hare
A Robbery In... Style
Three from Prostokvashino
Princess and Cannibal
Мелочи жизни
Rabbit and Fly
How Mushrooms Fought Against Peas
About the Pipe and the Bird
A Box With Secret
Blue Puppy
Как верблюжонок и ослик в школу ходили
I Give you a Star
New Big Troubles
Tall Tales in Faces
Assistant Art Director
The Little Mermaid