Known For: Sound
Salvo D'Acquisto
Beautiful, Rich, Slight Physical Defect, Seeks Soulmate
They Call Me Trinity
Conjugal Love
The 5-Man Army
A Train for Durango
Bandits in Rome
Don Juan in Sicily
Menage Italian Style
Love in Rome
Caccia al marito
The Overtaxed
L'amico del giaguaro
Sound Engineer
Vacations in Majorca
He Thief, She Thief
Piccola posta
The Boarder
Journey to Italy
These Phantoms
The Wayward Wife
The Overcoat
Porca miseria!
Love I Haven't... But... But
The Flowers of St. Francis
Flesh Will Surrender
Cronaca nera
Partenza ore 7
Il mondo vuole così
La resa di Titì