Known For: Acting
Gender: Female
Actor ام فهد
لولاكي 2
لا ثمن للوطن
Actor ام سعود
Checks without balance
Actor ام قسيمة
Land and Loan
Actor أم علي
The Joy Of A Nation
رحلة الى المجهول
Actor عائشة
Mother's leave
The spinster
Actor بلقيس
Both Ends Against the Middle
The Unknown Voice
Actor منيرة
30 Days of Love
A World of Women and a Man
Actor فواكه
Husband Needed Immediately
Actor أم هيلان
The bird landed, the bird flew away
The magnificent hodhud
The Judge Radhi
مسرحية العلامة هدهد
The Necklace
Actor أمينة
Early Bird Gets the Worm
Actor عايشة بنت المحقان
Mehgan Arrives Tonight
سهرة الصراع
24 hours
Appointment with Death
Actor أم ميري
Kuwait in 2000
Seize the Day