Known For: Acting
Actor Engineer
The Stone Raft
Actor Antonio
Wiped-Out Footprints
Actor Alvarez
Actor Jacinto
Chechu y familia
Actor Cura
El juego de los mensajes invisibles
Actor Secretario
It Smells Like Someone Died Here... But It Wasn't Me!
Actor King Afonso I of Portugal
No, or the Vain Glory of Command
Actor El Capataz
Los invitados
Actor Guardia Civil en tren
Lute: Forge On or Die
Actor Tribunero padre
Pasos Largos (El último bandido andaluz)
Actor Rosa's father
Half of Heaven
Actor Eleuterio
Crimen en familia
Actor Félix
Actor Belardo
Berta's Motives
Actor D'Amico
Circle of Passions
Actor Tristán
The Arrangement
Actor Jugador de dominó
Fredy el croupier
Actor Padre de Victorita
The Beehive
Actor Medina
El crack
Sin alma ni tiempo
Actor Ujier
La leyenda del tambor
Esperando a papá
Actor Alfredo
Viva la clase media
Actor Fascist who threatens by phone (uncredited)
Seven Days in January
Actor Padre del Padre Miguel
The Priest
Mala Racha
Dos locos en el aire
Accused Women
Yo tengo fe
Actor Antonio Corrales
The Traitors
Actor Kidnapped
The Mafia
Actor Politician (uncredited)