Known For: Visual Effects
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: January 1, 1914 (111 years old)
The Cat's House
At the Crossroads
Greetings to Our Friends
The Brave Little Deer
The Wolf and the Seven Kids
Girl in the Jungle
The Little Ship
Forest Story
Dog and Cat
Island of Mistakes
What Kind of Bird Is This?
The Snow Postman
Niko and Nikora
Три мешка хитростей
A Goat-Musician
The Signature Is Illegible
Brothers Liu
Magic Store
Brave Pak
The Painted Fox
A Naughty Kitten
The Heart of the Brave
A Wonder Mill
The Pipe and the Pitcher
The Magic Treasure
The Deer and the Wolf
The Yellow Stork
The Grandpa and His Little Grandson
Polcan and Shavka
The Lion and the Hare
Little Gray Neck
The Soldier's Tale
The Hunting Rifle
The Hunchedback Horse
A Quiet Glade
The Tale of the Priest and his Worker Balda
We Are Going to the Olympic Games Too!
An Agreement in the Forrest