Known For: Acting
Actor Selman
Far from the Barbarians
Actor Llambi Guri
The Small Encirclement
Actor Salo Brisku
The Bridge Under the Castle
Actor xha Sulo furrxhiu
The First Night of Freedom
Actor kasapi Çelo
The Students of my Class
Actor Ali Beu
Agimet e stinës së madhe
Actor Afizi
On the Eve of Freedom
Actor Kozmai
Our Shared House
Actor Shelenvi
Face to Face
Actor Lipja
On the Track
General Gramophone
Actor Gjenerali
Cloaks over Barbed Wire
Actor xha Gano
The New Shelter
Actor Galip Shkëmbi
Sounds of War
Actor Sokrat Dhëmbo
Broad Horizons
Echo on the Seashore
Actor Mësuesi
The Discussion