Known For: Sound
La prima volta
The Childhood Friend
Boom Operator
Brothers and Sisters
In The Rose Garden
The Last Minute
Delirium: Photo of Gioia
You'll Die at Midnight
Christmas Present
Sound Recordist
Graduation Party
The 2 Lives of Mattia Pascal
Sound Mix Technician
Master of the World
2019: After the Fall of New York
A School Trip
Più bello di così si muore
Scorpion with Two Tails
Uno contro l'altro, praticamente amici
Una vacanza del cactus
A Policewoman in New York
Help Me Dream
The Venus of Ille
The Cricket
The Doctor Is Staying with the Colonel
The Stars in the Ditch
A Policewoman on the Porno Squad
Night Nurse
The Nurse in the Military Madhouse
School Teacher in College
All Deceased... Except the Dead
The Cynic, the Rat & the Fist
Brothers Till We Die
The Virgo, the Taurus and the Capricorn
My Father's Private Secretary
Sound Engineer
Vinella e Don Pezzotta
How Wonderful to Die Assassinated
The Handsome Devil
Seize the Time