Known For: Crew
Gender: Male
Scenic Artist
Popeye for President
Hill-billing and Cooing
A Bicep Built for Two
Nurse to Meet Ya
A Job for a Gob
Gift of Gag
Penny Antics
Git Along Lil' Duckie
Little Audrey Riding Hood
Fright to the Finish
Ancient Fistory
Firemen's Brawl
Baby Wants a Battle
Shuteye Popeye
Big Bad Sindbad
True Boo
The Case of the Cockeyed Canary
Clown on the Farm
Alpine for You
By Leaps and Hounds
Quack-a Doodle-Doo
Detouring Thru Maine
Win, Place and Showboat
The Ski's the Limit
Little Red School Mouse
Wigwam Whoopee
Popeye Meets Hercules
Base Brawl
The Lone Star State
Sing or Swim
Hector's Hectic Life
The Bored Cuckoo
The Old Shell Game
Cad and Caddy
Super Lulu
Snap Happy
Lulu Gets the Birdie
I'm Just Curious
Lucky Lulu