Known For: Sound
Foley Artist
Bunuel and King Solomon's Table
Sound Effects
Goodbye from the Heart
Sound Effects Editor
Manos de seda
Nelio's Story
Lucky Star
Live Flesh
Siempre hay un camino a la derecha
Memorias del ángel caído
The Flower of My Secret
Felicidades, Tovarich
Stories from the Kronen
Cuernos de mujer
King of the River
Running Out of Time
All Men Are the Same
Alone, at Last!
The Detective and Death
The Bilingual Lover
Banderas, the Tyrant
Letters from Alou
Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown
Little Spanish Soldier
Course Completed
Ballad of Dog Beach
Divine Words
The House of Bernarda Alba
The Enchanted Forest
Mi general
Year of Enlightment
Lulú de noche
Tata Mía
La vieja música
The Lost Paradise
The Holy Innocents
My Friend the Vagabond
The Arrangement
Labyrinth of Passion
The Icebox Murders
The Beehive
Los autonómicos
Dos y dos, cinco
The Crime of Cuenca
Afraid to Go Out at Night
The Cantabrians
The Truth on the Savolta Affair
The Beasts' Carnival
Los bingueros
Red Gold
Del amor y de la muerte
El monosabio
Journey to the Centre of the Earth
Las delicias de los verdes años
La espada negra
País S. A.
Hay que matar a B.
Blue Eyes of the Broken Doll
Sound Designer
Las encantadas
The Spirit of the Beehive
Anna and the Wolves
Don Quijote cabalga de nuevo
The Blood Spattered Bride
Special Sound Effects
My Wife's Boyfriends
Tombs of the Blind Dead
The Glass Ceiling
The Ancines Woods
Fortunata y Jacinta
Las secretas intenciones
The House That Screamed
Stress Is Three
Mother Earth
Días de viejo color
Las salvajes en Puente San Gil
Peppermint Frappé
La playa de las seducciones
A Witch Without a Broom
Crónica de nueve meses
40 grados a la sombra
De cuerpo presente
La visita que no tocó el timbre
Strange Voyage