Known For: Sound
Soul Ache
Sound Mixer
Like a Bolt of Lightning
Alone, at Last!
Sound Editor
Alsasua 1936
Sound Engineer
Letters from Alou
El Rey del Mambo
Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown
Scent of a Crime
Sound Technical Supervisor
The House of Bernarda Alba
La vieja música
Sound mixer
The Holy Innocents
El Sur
El crack dos
The Arrangement
The Icebox Murders
Alfonso Sánchez
Red Gold
And They Lived Happily Ever After
The Adolescents
País S. A.
Five Pillows for One Night
Sex o no sex
Murder Mansion
My Dearest Senorita
The Ancines Woods
Mother Earth
Sound Recordist
Los flamencos
Cruzada en la mar
Los duendes de Andalucía
The Girl in Mourning
The Rash One
Summer Night
Boy Wanted
The Drunkard
My Three Merry Widows
La Devoradora
The Barracks
Let's Go with Pancho Villa!