Known For: Acting
Actor Isa Boletini
Azem Galica
Actor Godfather
Actor Kola
Flutura in My Cab
Actor Kryetari i keshillit te fshatit
When the Doors of Life Are Opened
Actor Mark Ukacjerra
Broken April
Actor Adnan Kodra
Shadows Left Behind
Actor Funksionar
The Autumn Rains
Actor Dajlan Beu
Who Dies Standing
Actor Gjenerali Amerikan
The Trap
Actor Jashari
The End of a Blood Feud
Actor Peshkopi Athanas
Distant Time
Actor Esat Pashe Toptani
A Name Among People
Actor Ahmet
The Hot Hand
The Second November
Actor Nikolla
Actor Komandant Markoja
Traces in the blue sky
Actor kryetari i keshillit te fshatit
Actor Bimbashi
Freedom or Death
Actor Ugolini
Out of the Darkness
Actor Prefekti
General Gramophone
Actor Kovi
The Forest of Freedom
Actor Eqeremi, mësuesi i muzikës
Sounds of War
Actor Sami Ameni
Broken Threads
The Captain
Actor I arratisuri
The Track
Actor Pacienti
Old Wounds
Actor Selami
Silent Duel
Actor Nikoll Mustaqeziu
The Commissar of Light