Known For: Costume & Make-Up
Makeup Artist
Snow White and 7 Wise Men
Violence in a Women's Prison
The Sword of the Barbarians
Makeup Designer
Maria - Nur die Nacht war Zeuge
Il mammasantissima
The New Godfathers
Naples... Serenade Caliber 9
Papaya: Love Goddess of the Cannibals
Moglie nuda e siciliana
Last Cannibal World
Women's Camp 119
The Last Round
Batton Story
Confessions of a Frustrated Housewife
Strip Nude for Your Killer
Li chiamavano i tre moschettieri... invece erano quattro
Two Sons of Trinity
Two Cat O'Nine Tails… and a Half, in Amsterdam
The Other Canterbury Tales
Decameron II
Actor il padrino Nico Cavallaro
I due pezzi da 90
I due della F. 1 alla corsa più pazza, pazza del mondo
The Night Evelyn Came Out of the Grave
The Devil with Seven Faces
Actor Franco Baresi
Le Mans, Shortcut to Hell
Intimità proibita di una giovane sposa
The Specialists
Tower of Screaming Virgins
Son of Django
Ischia operazione amore
The Dolls
Thor and the Amazon Women
Those Two in the Legion