James B. Ross
Known For: Acting
Actor Macy - Tom's Uncle
The Man in Hiding
Actor Mallott - the Powder King
The Net of Deceit

Actor Blake - a Tenant
The Sign of the Broken Shackles

Actor Dade - a Crook
The Crooked Path

Actor Marquis de Rontondo
Don Caesar de Bazan
Actor M. Daare - a Collector of Gems
The Stolen Ruby

Actor Blackhall - Leader of the Gang
The Night Operator at Buxton
Actor Horace Blanchard - Amy's Father
The Bondwoman

Actor Pietro - Carmela's Uncle
The Terror of Conscience

Actor Maj. Gen. Francis Buckthorn U.S.A.

Actor Mosby - Frank's Father
A Virginia Feud

Actor The Conductor
A Railroad Wooing

Actor Brocco - Paola's Friend
The Alien

Actor Haley
Uncle Tom's Cabin
Actor Chadwick - the Overseer
Out of the Jaws of Death