Known For: Production
Tarzan: Lord of the Movies
Toys of Christmas Past: TV Ads From the 50's, 60's, 70's
The Sopranos: Behind-The-Scenes
Sopranos Behind-The-Scenes Volume 1 of 2
Classic Movie Bloopers: Uncensored
Classic TV Bloopers Uncensored
The Beatles Explosion
Elvis Through the Years
Sopranos Unauthorized: Shooting Sites Uncovered
Elvis: King of Entertainment
The Three Stooges: Kings Of Laughter
The Three Stooges Story
Film Processor
The Three Stooges Funniest Moments - Volume I
The Three Stooges Funniest Moments - Volume II
Red Skelton: Bloopers, Blunders, and Ad Libs
The Abbott & Costello Story: America's Funniest Comedy Team
Action Heroes of the Cliffhanger Serials
Bruce Lee and Kung Fu Mania
Monster Mania
Fantastic Dinosaurs of the Movies
Hollywood Heaven: Tragic Lives, Tragic Deaths
Abbott & Costello in the Movies
Super Duper Bloopers
TV's Funniest Comedians - 14 Stars Do Classic Routines
Executive Producer
Horrible Horror
Hollywood's Funniest All-Star Bloopers
The Three Stooges: Live and Hilarious
The Three Stooges: Extreme Rarities
Elvis in the Raw
Gene Autry, World's Greatest Cowboy
Macho Men of the Movies
Liberace: The World's Greatest Showman