Known For: Sound
Sound Editor
When the Dust Settles
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Mystery of the Maya
The Voyage of the St. Louis
The Glass Ark
Taking Stock
When Love Is Gay
When Women Kill
Sound Mixer
Mixing Engineer
The Woman With Three Husbands
Forbidden Love: The Unashamed Stories of Lesbian Lives
Full Circle
Two Sisters
Un homme de Parole
Mother Earth
Le patro Le Prévost - 80 Years Later
The Burning Times
Goddess Remembered
Justice Denied
A Song for Quebec
Liberty Street Blues
Sound Recordist
A Nice Day in the Country
Dreams of a Land
To a Safer Place
Doctor, Lawyer, Indian Chief
Bam Pay A! – Rends-moi mon pays!
The Decline of the American Empire
90 Days
Recording Supervision
Discussions in Bioethics: A Chronic Problem
Going to War
Speaking Our Peace
Abortion: Stories from North and South
The Vinland Mystery
Behind the Veil: Nuns
Flamenco at 5:15
Dream Flight
Ted Baryluk's Grocery
If You Love This Planet
The Great Chess Movie
The Shimmering Beast
Kate and Anna McGarrigle
The Sweater
The Skiff of Renald and Thomas
Gui Daò - Sur la voie - Quelques Chinoises nous ont dit
Gui Daò - Sur la voie - Aller retour Beijing
De la tourbe et du restant
26 Times in a Row
Song of the Paddle
The Gossips
A Day in Forillon
Lundi - Une chaumière, un coeur
J.A. Martin Photographer
One Man
20 Years Later
Flora: Scenes from a Leadership Convention
Blanche et Claire
Back to the Land
My Name Is Susan Yee
The Brothers Byrne
Our Dear Sisters
Boo Hoo
My Friends Call Me Tony
Tiger on a Tight Leash
Freshwater World
The Islanders
This Riel Business
À votre santé
King of the Hill
The Light Fantastick
Horsing Around
Backyard Theatre
Tickets s.v.p
The Sunny Munchy Crunchy Natural Food Shop
Du coq à l'âne
Ten: The Magic Number
Le reel du pendu
Death of a Legend
Anger After Death
The Men
Act of the Heart
The 80 Goes to Sparta
You Are on Indian Land
Nobody Waved Goodbye
The Hutterites
Trans-Canada Journey
Robert Baldwin: A Matter Of Principle
The Good, Bright Days (1919-1927)
The Devil's Dream