Known For: Art
Production Design
C'era un cinese in coma
Dirty Linen
Looking for Paradise
Set Designer
La rossa del Roxy Bar
Dear Goddamned Friends
Set Decoration
Dearest Relatives, Poisonous Relations
Rossini! Rossini!
Dark Illness
Open Doors
The House of Witchcraft
Scenario Writer
Cavalli si nasce
Ciao ma'...
School of Thieves 2
Troppo forte
7 Kilos in 7 Days
A me mi piace
Un caso d'incoscienza
I due carabinieri
Costume Design
Soap and Water
A Joke of Destiny, Lying in Wait Around the Corner Like a Street Bandit
Art Direction
Occhei, occhei
Good News
Lo scoiattolo
Per vivere meglio, divertitevi con noi
Ugly, Dirty and Bad
Beyond the Door
The Perfume of the Lady in Black
Blaise Pascal
Augustine of Hippo
Assistant Art Director
Duck, You Sucker
Assistant Production Design
Operation Snafu
Be Sick… It's Free
Excuse Me, Do You Like Sex?
The Wedding March