Known For: Acting
Parents' School Meeting
Actor Alvīne
A Postcard from Rome
Actor Character Voice (voice)
My Favorite War
Actor Sailor
The Pit
Actor Teacher
Still River
Actor Aizputės viešbučio šeimininkė
Tarp mūsų, berniukų...
Gūtenmorgens un Vienciems
Gulf Stream Under the Iceberg
The Last Bearslayer
The Hunt
Daddy Doll
Father, Family and the Threshing Machine
You're Sexy When You're Sad
I'm Buying Your Husband
The Mystery of the Old Parish House
Dragon's Egg
Christmas Huddle
It's Easy to Fall Into an Overgrown Ditch
Actor Rasma
Raspberry Wine
Actor Kamita
The Game
Vakara variants
Pasarkans vakariņš