Savage Waters
The film follows renowned skipper Matt Knight, who teams up with world-class big wave surfer Andrew Cotton to adventure into the most dangerous waters of the Atlantic. Their journey is inspired by a passage in a 19th century treasure hunter’s journal. Joined by family and friends, the pair are faced with life-threatening challenges on their quest.
- Overview
- Cast
- Crew
Savage Waters
- Overview
- Cast
- Crew
Release Date
Oct 27, 2023
1h 33m
Documentary, Adventure
Original Title
La vague perdue
Production Companies
Whipped Sea
Mikey Corker
The film follows renowned skipper Matt Knight, who teams up with world-class big wave surfer Andrew Cotton to adventure into the most dangerous waters of the Atlantic. Their journey is inspired by a passage in a 19th century treasure hunter’s journal. Joined by family and friends, the pair are faced with life-threatening challenges on their quest.