The story goes something like this: A sweet young lady named Alicianne Del Mar is hired as a baby...
The Child
In early 20th century California, a young woman, Alicianne, takes a job as a nanny to a young girl, Rosalie Nordon, whose mother has recently died. On her way to the rural, secluded Nordon home, Alicianne meets a neighbor who warns her of the family's reputation. She soon meets the crabby, morbid Mr. Nordon, his awkward son Len, and the aloof Rosalie, who can seemingly animate objects when she is angry.
- Overview
- Cast
- Crew
- Recommendations
The Child
- Overview
- Cast
- Crew
- Recommendations
Release Date
Jun 2, 1977
1h 22m
Horror, Mystery
User Score
Original Title
The Child
Production Companies
Panorama Films, Boxoffice International Pictures (BIP), Panorama Film
Robert Voskanian
In early 20th century California, a young woman, Alicianne, takes a job as a nanny to a young girl, Rosalie Nordon, whose mother has recently died. On her way to the rural, secluded Nordon home, Alicianne meets a neighbor who warns her of the family's reputation. She soon meets the crabby, morbid Mr. Nordon, his awkward son Len, and the aloof Rosalie, who can seemingly animate objects when she is angry.