The Running Man
Set in an oppressive future where the government controls the media, Ben Richards volunteers to participate in a deadly game show, which will see him hunted by professional killers over 30 days. Should he survive, he’ll win a cash prize that will help save his sick child and lift his family out of a horrid living situation.
- Overview
- Cast
- Crew
The Running Man
- Overview
- Cast
- Crew
In Production
Release Date
Nov 7, 2025
Science Fiction, Thriller
Original Title
The Running Man
Production Companies
Complete Fiction, Genre Films, Paramount Pictures
Edgar Wright
Set in an oppressive future where the government controls the media, Ben Richards volunteers to participate in a deadly game show, which will see him hunted by professional killers over 30 days. Should he survive, he’ll win a cash prize that will help save his sick child and lift his family out of a horrid living situation.