Summer, The First Time
The story revolves around a straight couple, Pyan and Issy, who treat themselves to a summer vacation on the Algrave in a magnificent villa on the beach. This vacation is meant to solve their stormy relationship problems and rekindle the lost flame. Ryan then encounters beach boy Paval, played by Johan Paulik. Understandably, Ryan becomes transfixed by Paval's beauty and his long denied yearnings to submerge himself in a pool of musk laded manhood struggle to be raised. Torn between living a lie with his girlfriend Issy and the magnetism of his natural and most basic instincts, there is no contest.
- Overview
- Cast
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Summer, The First Time
- Overview
- Cast
- Crew
- Recommendations
Release Date
Jan 2, 1996
1h 30m
User Score
Original Title
Summer, The First Time
Production Companies
Priape Video, Pride Video
The story revolves around a straight couple, Pyan and Issy, who treat themselves to a summer vacation on the Algrave in a magnificent villa on the beach. This vacation is meant to solve their stormy relationship problems and rekindle the lost flame. Ryan then encounters beach boy Paval, played by Johan Paulik. Understandably, Ryan becomes transfixed by Paval's beauty and his long denied yearnings to submerge himself in a pool of musk laded manhood struggle to be raised. Torn between living a lie with his girlfriend Issy and the magnetism of his natural and most basic instincts, there is no contest.