Directed by Padmakumar, Thiruvambadi Thamban follows a more secure and similar path. The film, fi...
Thiruvambadi Thamban
After hit movie Shikaar, director Padmakumar's next titled as Thiruvambadi Thamban. S.Sureshbabu, the writer of Shikaar will penned for Thiruvambady Thamban. Jayaram and Haripriya play the lead roles . Tollywood actor Kishore is doing as villain and Myna fame Thambi Durai plays a vital role. Jagathy Sreekumar, Kalabhavan Mani, Nedumudi Venu also includes the cast. Thiruvambady Thamban is being produced by Alexander John under the banner of Jini Cinema. Cinematography is by Manoj Pillai, Ouseppachan will scored music and art section handled by Manu Jagath.
- Overview
- Cast
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Thiruvambadi Thamban
- Overview
- Cast
- Crew
- Recommendations
Release Date
May 25, 2012
2h 30m
User Score
Original Title
തിരുവമ്പാടി തമ്പാന്
Padmakumar M
After hit movie Shikaar, director Padmakumar's next titled as Thiruvambadi Thamban. S.Sureshbabu, the writer of Shikaar will penned for Thiruvambady Thamban. Jayaram and Haripriya play the lead roles . Tollywood actor Kishore is doing as villain and Myna fame Thambi Durai plays a vital role. Jagathy Sreekumar, Kalabhavan Mani, Nedumudi Venu also includes the cast. Thiruvambady Thamban is being produced by Alexander John under the banner of Jini Cinema. Cinematography is by Manoj Pillai, Ouseppachan will scored music and art section handled by Manu Jagath.