Birthday Behavior
Produced by Mula Films, Birthday Behavior is the tale of Kierra, Eyana, and LaDawn, three best friends, whose birthdays fall on three consecutive days and their two friends Mumu and Orlando set a memorable list of crazy events all weekend. The only problem is that once they put their plan in motion, everything that could go wrong with girls does.
- Overview
- Cast
- Crew
Birthday Behavior
- Overview
- Cast
- Crew
Release Date
May 22, 2019
1h 20m
Comedy, Drama
Original Title
Birthday Behavior
Production Companies
Mula Films
Thomas Harris
Produced by Mula Films, Birthday Behavior is the tale of Kierra, Eyana, and LaDawn, three best friends, whose birthdays fall on three consecutive days and their two friends Mumu and Orlando set a memorable list of crazy events all weekend. The only problem is that once they put their plan in motion, everything that could go wrong with girls does.