Idol × Warrior: Miracle Tunes! Pilot
The story revolves around the Music Kingdom, a land that contains musical treasures called Sound Jewels, which together produce the “Song of Blessings”. The Sound Jewels are stolen by the Demon King, who corrupts them into Negative Jewels. Through the Dokudoku-dan, the Negative Jewels are used to turn humans into Negative Jewelers to spread a Negative Aura for the Demon King to use in his plan to conquer the human world by composing an evil song. In order to recover the Sound Jewels, the goddess of the Music Kingdom sends the Fairy Rhythms Poppun, Rockie, and Clanosuke to the human world to seek help.
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Idol × Warrior: Miracle Tunes! Pilot
- Overview
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Release Date
Apr 2, 2017
0h 24m
Fantasy, Family
User Score
Original Title
アイドル×戦士 ミラクルちゅーんず!
Takashi Miike
The story revolves around the Music Kingdom, a land that contains musical treasures called Sound Jewels, which together produce the “Song of Blessings”. The Sound Jewels are stolen by the Demon King, who corrupts them into Negative Jewels. Through the Dokudoku-dan, the Negative Jewels are used to turn humans into Negative Jewelers to spread a Negative Aura for the Demon King to use in his plan to conquer the human world by composing an evil song. In order to recover the Sound Jewels, the goddess of the Music Kingdom sends the Fairy Rhythms Poppun, Rockie, and Clanosuke to the human world to seek help.