This is quite an interesting drama-documentary that largely sets out to reinforce the inter-relia...
They Were Not Divided
The film begins in a WW II training depot of a British Guards armoured regiment where recruits from many walks of life learn to survive the strict discipline and training together before going into battle in tanks. There is a cameo appearance by the real Sgt. Major Brittain who was famous in the British guards regiments.
- Overview
- Cast
- Crew
- Recommendations
They Were Not Divided
- Overview
- Cast
- Crew
- Recommendations
Release Date
Apr 24, 1950
1h 42m
User Score
Original Title
They Were Not Divided
Production Companies
J. Arthur Rank Organisation
Terence Young
The film begins in a WW II training depot of a British Guards armoured regiment where recruits from many walks of life learn to survive the strict discipline and training together before going into battle in tanks. There is a cameo appearance by the real Sgt. Major Brittain who was famous in the British guards regiments.