The Magic Fountain
In this tale based on a Brothers Grimm story, Prince Alfred searches for an enchanted castle that holds a magic fountain whose waters can cure his seriously ill father, the king. His two evil brothers are determined to stop him so they can have the kingdom for themselves when their father dies. A magic dwarf hears of Prince Alfred's plight and sets out to help him.
- Overview
- Cast
- Crew
The Magic Fountain
- Overview
- Cast
- Crew
Release Date
Aug 7, 1961
1h 25m
Original Title
The Magic Fountain
Allan David
In this tale based on a Brothers Grimm story, Prince Alfred searches for an enchanted castle that holds a magic fountain whose waters can cure his seriously ill father, the king. His two evil brothers are determined to stop him so they can have the kingdom for themselves when their father dies. A magic dwarf hears of Prince Alfred's plight and sets out to help him.