Shivaraj falls in love with his manager's daughter, Shruthi. However, she refuses his proposal and challenges him to first earn Rs 5000 without using any influence. Shruthi makes Shivaraj a better person, and they both fall in love. But Shruthi finds out that her best friend Aishwarya is also in love with Shivaraj so she gives up her love for her best friend. Later when Aishwarya learns about SHruthi too being in love with him, she feels guilty and backs off the relationship. Instead, Shivaraj comes up with a mind baffling situation and he sets up both the girls with two of his friends and he finds another girl for himself.
- Overview
- Cast
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- Recommendations
- Overview
- Cast
- Crew
- Recommendations
Release Date
Jan 25, 2007
2h 32m
Drama, Romance
User Score
Original Title
Mahesh Babu P.
Shivaraj falls in love with his manager's daughter, Shruthi. However, she refuses his proposal and challenges him to first earn Rs 5000 without using any influence. Shruthi makes Shivaraj a better person, and they both fall in love. But Shruthi finds out that her best friend Aishwarya is also in love with Shivaraj so she gives up her love for her best friend. Later when Aishwarya learns about SHruthi too being in love with him, she feels guilty and backs off the relationship. Instead, Shivaraj comes up with a mind baffling situation and he sets up both the girls with two of his friends and he finds another girl for himself.