Life Tengoku de Kimi ni Aetara
Follows the life of Natsuki Iijima, a windsurfer from Japan, as he battles and ultimately loses his life to liver cancer. The first and only windsurfer to compete for 8 consecutive years in the World Cup Competition, Natsuki's diagnosis overwhelms him with fear and panic. Despite this set back, with the love and devotion of his wife Hiroko and four children, he decides to live life the best he can, to the fullest, without having his life prolonged with further treatment
- Overview
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Life Tengoku de Kimi ni Aetara
- Overview
- Cast
- Crew
- Recommendations
Release Date
Aug 25, 2007
2h 0m
Drama, Family
User Score
Original Title
Life 天国で君に逢えたら
Takehiko Shinjo
Follows the life of Natsuki Iijima, a windsurfer from Japan, as he battles and ultimately loses his life to liver cancer. The first and only windsurfer to compete for 8 consecutive years in the World Cup Competition, Natsuki's diagnosis overwhelms him with fear and panic. Despite this set back, with the love and devotion of his wife Hiroko and four children, he decides to live life the best he can, to the fullest, without having his life prolonged with further treatment