The low point for the Critters franchise. Surpassing the third film to become the new bo...
Critters Attack!
Follows 20-year-old Drea, who reluctantly takes a job babysitting for a professor of a college she hopes to attend. Struggling to entertain the professor's children Trissy and Jake, along with her own little brother Phillip , Drea takes them on a hike, unaware that mysterious alien critters have crash-landed and started devouring every living thing they encounter.
- Overview
- Cast
- Crew
- Recommendations
Critters Attack!
- Overview
- Cast
- Crew
- Recommendations
Release Date
Nov 6, 2020
1h 29m
Comedy, Horror, Science Fiction, TV Movie
User Score
Original Title
Critters Attack!
Production Companies
Blue Ribbon Content, New Line Cinema, Warner Bros. Television
Bobby Miller
Follows 20-year-old Drea, who reluctantly takes a job babysitting for a professor of a college she hopes to attend. Struggling to entertain the professor's children Trissy and Jake, along with her own little brother Phillip , Drea takes them on a hike, unaware that mysterious alien critters have crash-landed and started devouring every living thing they encounter.